Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Digipak ideas

These are the ideas we have put together for our 6 panel digipak. The image on the bottom right will be our front cover. The image on the top left is our back cover. We will be working on these and editing these as a group. The other four panels each one of us have designed as individuals and will be editing them as individuals. The other two panels that have not been drawn will be an image of the artist and a forest trees image.
The concept of our digipak is based on the idea of different seasons and weathers as that is the name of the album and is also the name of the song we have created a music video for. Therefore a front and back cover will have the contrast of both autumn and winter. As we have been creating our project in winter is is very hard to get still shots of images where we can make it look like summer as the weather is really bad. Our album has the same theme as our music video as our music video has shots outdoor and in the snow. So we have aimed to keep a consistant theme.
The image we want to convey through our album art is to show uniqueness and creativity. We not only want to portray the artist as being creative but also his music providing various connotations. For example the album itself creates a certain nature theme which is in order to represent the artist as being one of a kind and distinctive to others.
At this stage we have already started editing our panels and are half way through our editing. Once all the editing has been done we will be uploaded before and after images and breifly explaining how we got the final result and why we thought this would be effective.

Who is doing which panel :-
Digipak front cover - Full Group
Digipak back cover - Full group (Autumn Trees on either side)
Digipak panel 3 editing- Jess (Image of the Artist Conor)
Digipak panel 4 editing - Zulaikha (Artist and Jess holding hands walking in the snow, with their footsteps behind)
Digipak panel 5 editing- Matt (guitar with leaf background
Digipak panal 6 editing- Carla (Forest Trees)

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