The youtube link is given below in which you can see some of the feedback we have recieved.
Also some more feedback can be seen in the comment section of our video on our blog.
When collating the results from our feedback we found that we recieved a lot of positive feedback. In terms of the music video a number of those that we questioned felt that it was very similar to other music videos in the way it was edited. As they felt that in a music video the emphasis is greatly on the artists just like we have shown in our music video. Although they felt it was similar to music video they felt that it was slightly different to indie music videos as they are often edited at a very fast pace and consist of very dark lighting however the music video we have created has used much more natural lighting. The audience did however feel that the natural lighting goes well with the lyrics. Audiences also liked the variety of locations used in the sequence as it kept the audience seeing new shots and scenes. Another thing that audiences felt was good was the pace of shots: 'Pace-wise, again, the video fits the style of music, and the content seems appropriately calm and simple'. (audience comment on youtube)
On a more negative note some felt that some of the shots were abit dull and could have been improved with more vibrant colours to represent the love between the couple. It would have more strongly symbolised the couples relationship.
In terms of the ancillary products audiences felt that all the images blended in very well with another and fitted well with the rest of the products. Audiences very much liked the artistic creativity of the album art and the magazine advertisements. They felt that it was something unique and different from other similar products on the market. They felt that it fitted in very well with other indie products as indie art often consists of vibrant imagination and creativity.
However some people did feel it would be appropriate to add one or two more images of the artist as they have not come across the artist before. therefore it would help in promoting the artist and his music.
Below are some of the results we have collected through questionaires about our music video:
1) Do you think the product is typical of a music video? If so in what ways is it similar?
- Yes because it shows the storyline of the lyrics and also shows the artist playing along with the song.
- Yeah, the video flows with the song as a romantic love song, and its a romantic video.
- I think it is typical of a music video, because of the use of imagery and changing settings for the singer to be in in each shot.
- This is similar to a typical music video because, within the 3-4 minutes, it tells a story to the audience. It does this whilst interweaving between the musicians performing the song and clips of the “story”, this is major stereotype of music videos, and shows that the song is important as it means something to the musicians.
- Uses similar scenes to what is expected, such as young couple together.
- The pace of the video and music that is seen in this genre is similar.
- we see the artist playing his instrument. And in many other videos of this type we see performance shots.
- Yes, the shots include costuming and set-ups that you would expect to see, such as performing with the instrument and the artist singing. It also follows a storyline which links to the lyrics, which you would expect to see in a typical music video.
2) Does anything make it different or does it stand out from the typical? How?
- It’s a lot more personal and realistic compared to other music videos.
- No, i would say it is a typical love video that flows very well with the song and fits together.
- I’m not sure there is much in the video out of the norm, as I have mentioned the video uses staple techniques of videos in this genre and doesn’t go beyond these techniques, this is also true for the sleeve and poster which use pictures of nature, a common theme in acoustic albums.
- Although it does fit in with the stereotypical music video, one feature also stands out, the theme. Just from looking at the video and the album cover, I can tell the theme is weather within rural areas.
- The cuts between the shots are slower than usual.
- There are a lot of interesting cinematographic techniques and unusual shots that keep it interesting.
- A variety of times of day and locations.
- A lot of different weather conditions which matches the title "Talking about the weather."
- Yes, in some aspects of the video there are some random shots used, such as the squirel and the trees but these are good to have because it gives the viewer an idea of what was around them when filming.
3) Does it work? Why?
- Yes, it’s interesting to watch as it’s very personal and romantic.
- Yes, it works because it fits well with the song, with the tempo and shot lengths and type of song that it is.
- It works as the imagery accompanies the music and the use of base and relaxed colours enhances the calming feel of the song in the sleeve, poster and video.
- Yes, I believe it does work because, as said in point 1 & 2, the music video tells a story, whilst keeping the theme of the album cover dominant.
- Yes the video is reminiscent of a romcom film which matches the romantic song.
- Yes, because the shots used link with the lyrics and its storyline. We also get an insight of the artist's emotions to his love for his girlfriend.
4) Name two interesting/impressive elements from the video:
- An interesting element would be the way the video follows the artist singing along with the track. I also really liked the quick shot of the Jess’ eye between other shots; it’s very short but effective.
- The camera shots are impressive especially the ones with the couple walking in the distance.
- How simple it is, but yet how effective, doing less has done more for the video.
- An impressive element is the use of nature which is used throughout the video which compliments the acoustic guitar used in the song. The minimal use of effects is also an element I feel that enhances the natural feel of the video.
- i) The transitions from shot to shot are extremely fluent.
- ii) The use of similar shots in an effective way
- The camera work is particularly impressive in the close up shots.
- The editing of the whole video keeps the pace perfectly
- The extreme long shots are really well thought out and adds a nice touch to the video. Secondly, the pacing of the clips to the sound is quick and keeps you watching.
5) Could this product be stronger, if so how? (Try to name at least 1 element).
- Some notes played on the guitar don’t match with the sounds properly, to match the notes played and the notes shown would make this product a lot stronger.
- Maybe having less close ups of the singer, and more of the couple.
- While a solid example of acoustic albums, I feel that some innovation in the imagery would have done well to set it apart from other acoustic albums, as the product could just fall into the crowd of other acoustic albums as it is so similar.
- I admire the product as it is, I could not name something to improve.
- The indoor shots aren't as colourful as the outside ones if the indoor shots had been more colourful the product would be stronger.
- The outdoor shots use natural lighting meaning they are quite bright, whereas the indoor shots are relatively dull meaning the lighting doesn't match up through the video meaning continuity is lost slightly.
- The shot of the squirrel seems to have been added in at the last minute probably due to lack of footage so a touch more footage that made sense would have made the video stronger.
- Some of the lip syncing is a touch out of sync. Also the use of colour I would of expected there to be lot's of reds to represent the Love and Romance obtained within the lyrics. The quality of what looks to be a studio are really washed out. Overall, I think it's a well made video and the sound quality is fantastic.
6) Do you think the pace of the video is typical of this kind of product?
- Yes, but I think that some shots change too quickly, as they don’t have enough time to be seen properly.
- Yes the pace of this video is perfect for this song, and is typical of the type of the song.
- I think the pacing is typical of the product as it moves at a moderate speed mostly, but moves faster in the changing of shots because of the increased tempo of the music, pacing changing because of the structure of the song is a typical technique.
- The pace of the video fits the song choice perfectly. If it was any faster, the song would lag behind, giving the wrong feel to the entire piece.
- Yes the slow transitions and camera movement means that the tempo of the song is matched to the pace of the video which is both good and typical of this genre of music.
- Yes, the quick shots kept me interested and kept me watching it until the end.